For Individuals: Settlement Advances for Personal Injury Plaintiffs and Estates Funding Solutions for Beneficiaries, Executors and Trustees.
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At BridgePoint, our focus is on building trusted relationships with our law firm clients. We earn that trust by helping to manage their clients' financial challenges, not compounding them.

Our Legal Assessment Team

Our in-house assessment team is comprised of over half a dozen legal professionals located across Canada with a combined 180+ years of personal injury litigation experience.

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Our Process

Our lending process is fast and efficient, but also protects you and your clients from the problematic consequence of too large a loan offered too early in the litigation, at too high a cost.

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Our Portal

The BridgePoint Portal provides law firms with fully secure, online access to all their plaintiff account details in real time. No missed accounts at settlement, no need for payout statements and full report generation capabilities.

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Our Preferred Program

In appreciation of our loyal law firm clients, our Preferred Program offers automatic loan approvals, same day funding and preferential settlement loan terms.

To learn more about the program and how to join, Contact Us.

Our Responsible Lending Promise

BridgePoint is one of very few lenders qualified under OTLA's "Policy on Litigation Lending Companies". Unlike many other litigation lenders, we ensure our settlement loans are appropriate to the client's needs and proportionate to the claim value.

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More Information: Settlement Loans

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Plaintiff Financing